Scriptorium, Poets, • 12/8/23 Melissa Range on sonnets Herein, Ranger describes her love of sonnets, and how it contributes to her ragged formalism. Previous Melissa Range on the materiality of ink You Might Also Like Molly Orlando on the categorical elusiveness of art-song Marlanda Dekine on jumping portals Marlanda on ritual spaces Melissa Range on the materiality of ink Robert Baker on haecceity and quidity
Scriptorium, Poets, • 12/8/23 Melissa Range on sonnets Herein, Ranger describes her love of sonnets, and how it contributes to her ragged formalism. Previous Melissa Range on the materiality of ink You Might Also Like Molly Orlando on the categorical elusiveness of art-song Marlanda Dekine on jumping portals Marlanda on ritual spaces Melissa Range on the materiality of ink Robert Baker on haecceity and quidity